8MS User Guide

Most operations that can be done for a single number can also be done on an arbitrary set of numbers. For example, activating 500 numbers is almost as easy as activating one number. Operations using sets of numbers are called batch operations. Selecting a set of numbers for a batch is done by specifying one of the following as the target of the batch:

Number List All Toll-Free Numbers in this Number List
Dynamic List of Numbers All Toll-Free Numbers listed in a user interface text box
8MS Routing Set All Toll-Free Numbers that are Active in this 8MS Routing Set
SMS Template All Toll-Free Numbers whose Active record points at this SMS Template

In most cases, batch operations are requested using a different button than a single number operation. Most screens have a button for single-number requests, and a button for batch requests. Selecting will result in a pop-up window that allows a target (as shown in the table above) to be selected. A typical example of a batch pop-up, shown below, is the Query Batch Popup.

The set of numbers for a batch, as shown in the screenshot above, may be specified in one of 4 ways:

Field Description
Number List Select from a list of existing Number Lists. A Number List contains a previously defined list of Toll-Free Numbers. See Number List for details.
Numbers Type or paste one or more Toll-Free Numbers, separated by a space or a newline. A set of numbers typed or pasted into a text box is known as a Dynamic List of Numbers.
SMS Template Select from a list of existing SMS Templates. All Active Toll-Free Numbers pointing at the given SMS Template will be selected.
8MS Routing Set Select from a list of existing 8MS Routing Sets. All Active Toll-Free Numbers in the given 8MS Routing Set be selected.
Max Msgs per Hour Limit the number of messages per hour that may be sent to SMS/800. This is intended to help you avoid exceeding the per Resp Org CPU percent allocation defined by SMS/800.
The Max Msgs per Hour field may be given a per-User or per-Company default. Refer to Customizing 8MS for how to set User and Company Preferences and see MaxMsgsPerHour under User Interface Preferences for details on customizing this field.
Comments Enter optional notes that will appear in the Batch Log.
Run Date/Time Used to specify the date and time when the batch will be sent. If left blank, the batch job will run as soon as possible.
It is possible to hide the SMS Template and 8MS Routing Set drop-down list from users when creating Disconnect Batches for CAD and PAD. This is done by setting the Company preference DiscBatchHasRsSt to 0. This impacts the Batch Popup for the following screens:

Setting this preference to 0 hides these drop-down lists, reducing the chance that a user may accidentally disconnects a large set of toll-free numbers by selecting an 8MS Routing Set or SMS Template with a large set of toll-free numbers associated with it.

Note that Record Management: CAD and Record Management: PAD will only hide the two lists if the End Intercept Date has been set, since setting End Intercept Date sends a disconnect request to Somos.

For information on behavior, restrictions, and customization of the Number List, SMS Template and 8MS Routing Set drop-down lists, see the Choice Lists section.

Select the button. The batch operation will be initiated and the Batch Popup is closed. Results of batch operations will appear on the Activity Log and Batch Log screens.

Select the button to reset the Batch popup screen to it's original state, as it was when it first appeared.

Select the button to dismiss the Batch popup, which cancels the send batch request.

The results of batch operations are not returned in real-time. To monitor the progress of batch operations, use the Batch Log in the System Activity section. Additional information about a batch can be seen in the Activity Log, also in the System Activity section.