8MS User Guide
Managing ROC Requests

This document is intended as an aid to managing Resp Org Change (ROC) Requests.

ROC Definition

Toll-free numbers are reserved and managed by a Resp Org. However, the numbers are most often used by a Customer of Record of that Resp Org rather than the Resp Org itself. When the Customer of Record wishes to have their toll-free number managed by another Resp Org, a Resp Org Change is performed, transferring control from the current Controlling Resp Org to the new Requesting Resp Org. Prior to 2016, individual Resp Orgs would contact one another to request that control of a toll-free number be passed to a new Resp Org. Many Resp Orgs had a specific form that needed to be filled out by the Requesting Resp Org in order to ask for control of the number to be transferred. If the Requesting Resp Org did not submit the proper forms, the Controlling Resp Org would refuse to perform the Resp Org Change.

In 2016, Somos introduced a centralized Resp Org Change (ROC) Management System. This system provides all necessary functionality to manage ROC Authorization Requests or more simply, ROC Requests. Specifically, this system was intended to provide

  1. A common, consistent set of data required for all Resp Orgs to ask for toll-free numbers
  2. A long-term history of all ROC requests
  3. A programmer Application Programmer Interface (API) to allow Resp Orgs to submit and manage ROC requests from their own systems
  4. A web-based user interface to allow Resp Orgs to submit and manage ROC requests

To aid in understanding this tutorial, below are some common terms related to ROC. These terms and definitions are copied directly from the Terminology section of the User Guide.

Resp Org
A Resp Org (Responsible Organization) is an entity responsible for managing Toll-Free Numbers within a company. Each Resp Org is allowed to reserve, spare, give away or route Toll-Free Numbers.
Controlling Resp Org
In a ROC request, the Controlling Resp Org is the Resp Org that currently controls a toll-free number. A Requesting Resp Org asks the Controlling Resp Org to perform a Change Resp Org, granting the Requesting Resp Org control of the number.
Requesting Resp Org
In a ROC request, the Requesting Resp Org is seeking to gain control of a toll-free number. The Requesting Resp Org asks the Controlling Resp Org to perform a Change Resp Org, granting the Requesting Resp Org control of the number.
ROC Authorization Request
A ROC (Resp Org Change) authorization request asks the Controlling Resp Org of a toll-free number to port that number to a Requesting Resp Org, giving that Requesting Resp Org control of that number. A single request may contain one or more toll-free numbers. Numbers do not need to be under the same Controlling Resp Org. In the event that a ROC authorization request is sent to multiple Controlling Resp Orgs, when a Controlling Resp Org views the request, it may only see the numbers that are controlled by it.
A ROC Authorization Request is also known as a ROC Request. For ease of reading, in the remainder of this document, the term ROC Request will be used.
Customer of Record
A Customer of Record is the end user of a toll-free number. It is the company or person that actually receives calls on that toll-free number. The Customer of Record is the only entity that has the right to request that a number be ported from one Resp Org to another.
LOA is an acronym for Letter of Authorization. An LOA is a document that shows you have the right to ask a toll-free number Controlling Resp Org to port that number to your Resp Org. An LOA is meant as proof that the Customer of Record has requested this port.
LOA is also interpreted to mean Letter of Agency.

A ROC request contains proof that this is a valid request being performed on behalf of the toll-free Customer of Record. It also contains one or more toll-free numbers used by that Customer of Record. While a ROC request is treated as a single item, the numbers within that request may be treated in different ways. It is possible for a Controlling Resp Org to approve some numbers in a request while declining other numbers. It is possible to decline some numbers in a single request for one reason and other numbers for another reason. When declining a request, a reason for the decline is required to ensure that the toll-free Customer of Record has actually asked for this Resp Org change. If the Requesting Resp Org has not offered reasonable proof, the Controlling Resp Org has the right to refuse the request. The reason tells the Requesting Resp Org what specific data is needed for this request to be processed.

The numbers within a single request do not have to be controlled by a single Resp Org, nor do the Controlling Resp Orgs need to be within a single Entity. A Controlling Resp Org receiving a ROC request is only able to view those numbers controlled by itself; it may not see numbers controlled by other Resp Orgs. Thus, a Controlling Resp Org may not see all numbers within a request. Only the Requesting Resp Org sees all numbers within a single request.

There are two types of ROC requests:

ROC requests may also be split by their processing status:

8MS Advantages

While users could choose to use the Somos ROC user interface, using the 8MS user interface provides multiple advantages:

ROC Capabilities in 8MS

8MS uses the ROC API to provide a comprehensive set of screens and 8MS APIs to create, view, and manage ROC requests. Both the 8MS screens and the 8MS APIs leverage existing 8MS features, especially number lists, to make creation and management of ROC requests more powerful and easier to use.

The new 8MS ROC screens and APIs provide the following capabilities:

  1. The ability to submit a new ROC request using the Submit ROC Request screen and the ROCNumberRequest API call
  2. The ability to retrieve and view pending and old (closed) ROC requests using the ROC Management screen and the ROCRetrieveRequests, ROCRetrieveRequestDetail and ROCDownloadDocument API calls
  3. The ability to approve or decline pending incoming ROC requests using the ROC Management screen and the ROCManageRequest API call
  4. The ability to remove numbers from pending outgoing ROC requests using the ROC Management screen and the ROCManageRequest API call
  5. The ability to cancel pending outgoing ROC requests using the ROC Management screen and the ROCManageRequest API call
  6. The ability to add additional documentation to pending outgoing ROC requests using the ROC Management screen and the ROCUploadDocument API call
Configuring 8MS for ROC

Before using the 8MS ROC screens, it is necessary to configure your 8MS account with a Somos login with ROC permissions. This is briefly described below. For specific details, refer to the Configuring ROC Access page of the User Guide. Below is a high-level description of the configuration process.

  1. To begin, you must have a valid Somos login with ROC permissions. If you already have a login on Somos, you may use that one. We strongly recommend that you create a new login that is dedicated to use within 8MS.
    Somos uses password aging when you log onto their system. Should you choose to use the same Somos login for both 8MS ROC transactions and for logging onto Somos, at some point, you will log onto the Somos web site and be forced to change your password. When this happens, you will also need to update that password on 8MS or ROC requests from 8MS will fail. If you have separate logins for your Somos work and for ROC, you will never have to deal with password aging, since Somos does not enforce password aging from API users.
  2. Once you have confirmed that you have a valid Somos login with ROC permissions, you will need to fill in a form that gives your 8MS system permission to send ROC requests on you behalf, using your Somos login. This form is available from the 8MS system; select Documentation from the menu then and select the ROC Access link. After filling in the form, email it to 8MS Customer Support at 8mscust@iconectiv.com. The 8MS support team will send your form to Somos to process, activating your login for 8MS ROC.
    Somos ROC permission is managed by Entity. For that reason, on the Somos form, you must provide one login for each Entity within your 8MS Company.
  3. Once the Somos ROC access form has been processed, you will need to add your login and password to the ROC Administration screen. Saving this login and password enables 8MS to send ROC requests on your behalf.
Submitting a ROC Request

A new ROC request is generated using the Submit ROC Request screen, as shown below.

Submitting a new request is very straight-forward. At a minimum, you need to fill in the Requesting RespOrg field, select an LOA File and provide one or more toll-free numbers using the Toll Free Number field, Number List drop-down or the (Dynamic List of Numbers) button.

Optionally, you may provide notes in the Notes field and additional documentation using the Other Documentation button if you believe it necessary to aid in approval of this request. Additionally, you may schedule this request for a future date using the Future Request Date field. The request will reside on the Somos ROC system but will not be processed until the date is reached.

Once all fields have been filled in, select the button to send the request to Somos where it will be queued up for processing.

Viewing ROC Requests

ROC requests are viewed and managed on the ROC Management screen. Requests may be filtered based on various attributes of a request, as shown in the screen shot below. See the ROC Management User Guide page for a detailed explanation of these fields and more information on this screen.

When filtering, only Incoming or Outgoing requests may be viewed; it is not possible to view both at the same time.

After specifying your filter criteria, select the or button to view your requests. An example list is shown below.

This list shows a few attributes of the request itself, plus a count of the toll-free numbers in this request. Selecting one of the rows in this list will populate the detail portion of this screen, as shown below:

As noted above, you may only view one type of request at a time, so the set of buttons available in the detail of a request will change depending on whether you're viewing an incoming request or an outgoing one. The screen shown above is the detail for an Incoming request. Below is the detail for an Outgoing request. Note the difference in what buttons are available.

ROC Request History

To view changes made to a ROC request made by 8MS users, you may use the standard way of viewing 8MS activity, via the Activity Log. In addition to this, each item shown in the list above may have additional activity logging. If there is additional logging, a (ROC History) button will appear on the far left of the list of requests.

ROC History will only be available if an 8MS user made the request on this platform. It will not show activity by users on the Somos ROC platform, nor will it show activity by the other Resp Org company.

To view this additional history, click on the ROC History button and a popup will appear with the history of this ROC request, as shown in the example below.

Managing a ROC Request

Operations on incoming ROC requests include:

To approve or decline numbers, identify the numbers by selecting the checkboxes to the left of each number, then select one of the action buttons on the right side of the detail screen.

Operations on outgoing ROC requests include

To remove numbers from a request, identify the numbers by selecting the checkboxes to the left of each number, then select the Remove button on the right side of the detail portion of the screen.

The Somos ROC System does not actually remove numbers from a request. Instead, it marks those numbers as Declined, with a Reason of Auto-rejected by Submitter.

To completely cancel a request, select the Cancel button on the right side of the detail portion of the screen. This is equivalent to selecting all the numbers in this request and selecting the Remove button.

To add one or more documents to a request, select the Add Document... button to the right of the Other Documentation label.