8MS User Guide
ROC Submit Request

This function allows you to submit ROC Authorization Requests. request.

In the menu frame, select the ROC Submit Request link located in the Number Admin section of the menu. The following will appear in the workspace frame:

To submit a ROC Authorization request, specify one or more toll-free numbers, the Resp Org requesting control of those numbers and proof that the Customer of Record has requested these numbers. Below is a description of each field on this screen.
Field Description
Toll Free Number If this authorization request will contain a single number, enter that number here.

Only one of Toll Free Number, Number List, (Dynamic List of Numbers) may be selected.

Number List If this authorization request will contain multiple numbers, select the Number List that contains the numbers you are requesting.

Only one of Toll Free Number, Number List, or (Dynamic List of Numbers) may be selected.

If this authorization request will contain multiple numbers, you may create a Dynamic List of Numbers by entering them in the Dynamic List of Numbers popup associated with this button. See the Dynamic List of Numbers section of Choice Lists for details on this button and how to use it.

Only one of Toll Free Number, Number List, or (Dynamic List of Numbers) may be selected.

Future Request Date To schedule this authorization request for a future date, specify that date here. The request will be sent to SMS/800 and saved there until that date has been reached. At that point, the authorization request will be sent to the controlling Resp Org. The format of this field is MM/DD/YY.
The vast majority of the time, users do not set a Future Request Date. Somos then immediately sends the ROC request to the controlling Resp Org.

Providing a Future Request Date means Somos will create the ROC request but will not send it to the controlling Resp Org until the day of the Future Request Date. This means the controlling Resp Org won't be able to see the request, or respond to it, until the date you specified.

We strongly recommend that you do not set the Future Request Date parameter unless you fully understand what this means.

Requesting Resp Org The Resp Org asking for control of this group of numbers.

A default Resp Org may be populated. This is controlled by the preference RocDefaultResporg.

LOA File A document that provides proof that the Requesting Resp Org has the right to ask for control of this number.

To the right of the LOA File file selector is the Clear button. Clicking this button will clear the selected file.

File names may only contain
  • A-Z
  • a-z
  • 0-9
  • underscore ( _ )
  • hyphen ( - )
The maximum length of the file name is 100 characters.
Generate LOA Generate the document that provides proof that the Requesting Resp Org has the right to ask for control of this number.

Clicking this button will display the Create a new LOA File dialog.

To the right of the Generate LOA button, the generated file will appear as a link. Clicking on this document will cause your browser to open the document in your standard way, depending on your operating system and browser settings. The document can be downloaded and saved locally.

LOA File Size This field is read-only. When a LOA File has been selected, the size of the file will be shown in this field.
Notes Any additional notes that may help the controlling Resp Org to verify and process the authorization request.
Other Documentation Any additional documents that may help the controlling Resp Org to verify and process the authorization request. Multiple documents may be selected.

Once the documents have been selected, the box below this field will be populated with the names of the files, the size of each file and a Comments field. Enter any additional comments next to each file if this will help the controllilng Resp Org when processing the authorization request.

To the right of the Other Documentation file selector is the Clear button. Clicking this button will clear out any selected files.

After selecting LOA File and Other Documentation files, the size of each file is shown on the main screen. This is done because SMS/800 has a limit on the total size of all documents that may be uploaded for a single authorization request. As the size limit is determined by SMS/800 and could change at any time, no size checks are done within the 8MS user interface.

Below is an example of file information after a user has selected several Other Documentation files. Note the size of the files and the Comments field to the right of each file. Comments are required for every file as they aid in identifying how each file supports the authorization request.

After specifying the toll-free number(s) and associated data, select the button. A popup will appear over the main screen, showing the status of the request. Unlike most 8MS screens, this screen may send multiple messages to SMS/800, one for the authorization request itself and one for each additional document specified in the Other Documentation list. Since SMS/800 has a limit on the total size of all documents that may be uploaded, it is possible for one document to fail to upload but others to successfully upload. An example of this is shown below. Even though the first file failed to upload because of its size, the remaining files successfully uploaded. Failing to upload a document does not stop uploading of additional documents.

The Dismiss button is inactive while data is being sent to SMS/800. The button will become active when all messages have completed. Leaving this screen before all messages have been sent to SMS/800 will cause the remaining messages to fail to be sent. When the bold message All uploads complete. appears the popup may be dismissed.
Generating a LOA File

To create a LOA document, select the Generate LOA button. The Create a New LOA File dialog will appear, as shown below.

An entry is required for all fields except Company Address2, Authorized Customer Extension, and Authorized Customer Fax.

Click on Create File to send request to generate the LOA to SMS/800.

After a successful request, a new tab in the browser appears displaying the newly created LOA document. This file can be downloaded, signed, and saved. Then browse and select the saved document into the LOA File field.

There are preferences that may be set to change the behavior of this screen. Refer to Customizing 8MS for how to set User and Company Preferences and see ROC Submit Request Preferences for details on customizing this screen.