ROCNumberRequest Generate a new authorization request.
ROCNumberRequest allows a requesting Resp Org to submit an authorization request to a controllling Resp Org, requesting that one or more numbers be ported to the requesting Resp Org. The following are the allowed fields in reqparams:
rocusername The username registered at SMS/800 for ROC requests.
rocpasswd The password associated with the username registered at SMS/800 for ROC requests.
entity The SMS/800 entity for ROC requests.
dnlist A comma-separated list of numbers to be Resp Org changed.
resporg The Resp Org to which this set of numbers should be changed.
notes Any additional notes to assist in processing this request.
loafilename The name of the LOA document to be uploaded.
The file name can contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, underscore ( _ ), hyphen ( - ) only. The maximum length of the file name is 100 characters.
loaencodedcontent The LOA document data, encoded in Base64.
This parameter is required if loafilename is specified.
loamimetype The mime type of the file data specified in loaencodeddata.
This value defaults to application/pdf if loafilename ends in .pdf or image/tiff if loafilename ends in .tif or .tiff.
requestdate The date on which this request should be sent to the Controlling Resp Org. This allows the Submitting Resp Org to create a request but delay sending it to the Controlling Resp Org. The format of this value is:
An example of a valid date/time would be 02/03/23.
The vast majority of the time, users do not set a requestdate. Somos then immediately sends the ROC request to the controlling Resp Org.

Providing a requestdate means Somos will create the ROC request but will not send it to the controlling Resp Org until the day of the requestdate. This means the controlling Resp Org won't be able to see the request, or respond to it, until the date you specified.

We strongly recommend that you do not set the requestdate parameter unless you fully understand what this means.

Either the single parameter entity or the pair of parameters rocusername and rocpasswd must be specified.
ROC Messages
ROCNumberRequest sends a SubmitRespOrgChange message.
A RocNumberRequest response is an XML document embedded within the normal API response. A typical XML response will have the following fields.
The ErrorList section will only be included if an error has occurred.
Most data validation is left to Somos to perform. In some cases, 8MS may provide some up-front validation. In that event, the following XML will be returned.
<description>text describing error.</description>
Possible errors returned for this API call include
Code Context Description
E0000088 requestdate Parameter 'requestdate' is invalid
E0000093 entity/rocusername A valid 'entity' or 'rocusername' must be specified.
The following request parameters will submit a ROC request for a single number:
The pdf encoded content has been omitted in the above example because this value is typically very long and unreadable since it is encoded. For the actual API call, the loaencodedcontent should contain the actual pdf encoded value; it should not include the string "content-omitted".