8MS User Guide
API Message Status

This function allows you to view the status of the current API messages in the 8MS application.

To access the API Message Status screen, select the API Message Status link located in the Tools section of the menu. The screen is divided into three sections: Incoming Messages, Outgoing Messages and a message detail display area. The following is the Incoming Messages portion of the screen:

The following fields and buttons apply to the incoming message portion of the screen:

The following is the outgoing messages portion of the screen:

The following fields and buttons apply to the outgoing message portion of the screen:

To display the detail of either an incoming message or an outgoing message, click anywhere on the message. The detail will be displayed as shown in the following:

You can edit an incoming or outgoing API message by typing in the text field provided in the detail. The button will save any changes you have made.

There are preferences that may be set to change the behavior of this screen. Refer to Customizing 8MS for how to set User and Company Preferences and see API Message Status Preferences for details on customizing this screen.